CSPaC COVID-19 Updates - View Earth from a Feminine-Perspective 2025-03-26 / 04:00:07Z
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COVID-19 Report Updated: 2024-08-29 Time 17:47:29 GMT

Detailed, live, global, COVID-19 Status Report for 255 locales

Sources|Summary|Index| GreenList|YellowList|Ships|History|World | Kids| Philippines|Canada|USA

Tables: 1.) Searchable 255 locales in order of active cases (195 nations + autonomous regions) NB: Unreported 'recoveries' are estimated:Details. 2.) Watchlist: > 15,000,000 COVID-19 cases. 3.) Under 25 active cases list 4.) No active cases list.

255 Locales ranked in order of total cumulative COVID-19 Cases

All Nations / Territories (255)Case SumsDeathsCFRRecovered*Active
Open this chart without scroll. *sorted by Total Cumulatiive COVID-19 Infections
United States111,820,0821,219,4871.09109,814,428786,167
South Korea34,571,87335,9340.1027,203,5247,332,415
United Kingdom24,917,163232,1120.9319,410,4705,274,581
Czech Republic4,759,28843,5170.914,715,206565
South Africa4,076,463102,5952.523,912,50661,362
Hong Kong2,937,60914,9240.512,288,397634,288
New Zealand2,621,1115,6970.222,613,7911,623
Puerto Rico1,286,5286,0810.471,002,205278,242
Costa Rica1,238,8839,4280.76965,090264,365
United Arab Emirates1,067,0302,3490.22831,216233,465
Saudi Arabia841,4699,6461.15655,504176,319
United States Military740,9426900.1733,5336,719
Republic of Cyprus690,5471,3670.20679,7459,435
Dominican Republic675,8904,3840.65671,316190
Sri Lanka672,75416,8972.51655,8525
North Macedonia350,5799,9772.85337,0683,534
El Salvador201,8654,2302.10179,41018,225
Trinidad and Tobago191,4964,3902.29187,07828
Donetsk PR171,51910,1865.94161,29538
Northern Cyprus103,0342410.23100,2932,500
Channel Islands101,7172280.22101,321168
Congo DR100,5661,4701.4684,48914,607
French Guiana98,0414200.4311,25486,367
Ivory Coast88,4088350.9487,49776
New Caledonia80,0643140.3962,37017,380
French Polynesia79,3016500.8261,77516,876
Cabo Verde64,4774170.6563,755305
Papua New Guinea46,8646701.4346,16826
North Ossetia-Alania40,1861,9284.8035,4602,798
Guinea WA38,5724681.2137,757347
Isle of Man38,0081160.3129,6088,284
Faeroe Islands34,658280.0826,9997,631
Luhansk PR32,6013,48310.6829,10117
Cayman Islands31,472370.128,55322,882
Saint Lucia30,2154101.3629,8050
Micronesia FS26,547650.2420,6805,802
San Marino26,1851280.4926,01146
Solomon Islands25,9541990.7720,2185,537
US Virgin Islands25,3891320.5225,114143
Congo Brazzaville25,3753861.5224,006983
Burkina Faso22,1224001.8121,596126
South Sudan18,8201470.7818,115558
Equatorial Guinea17,2291831.0616,907139
Marshall Islands16,178170.1116,12140
Central African Republic15,4661130.7315,200153
Northern Mariana Islands14,594410.2811,3693,184
South Ossetia14,2571531.0714,09014
Saint Martin12,324630.519,6002,661
Caribbean Netherlands11,922410.3410,4761,405
Sint Maarten11,051920.8310,90554
St Vincent & The Grenadines9,6741241.289,49357
Antigua and Barbuda9,1061461.608,9546
American Samoa8,359340.416,5121,813
Sierra Leone7,7941261.626,0721,596
British Virgin Islands7,420640.866,739617
Cook Islands7,32620.037,30222
Sao Tome and Principe6,778801.186,68513
Turks and Caicos6,754400.596,7095
Saint Kitts and Nevis6,607480.736,5590
Wallis and Futuna3,76090.243,438313
Saint Pierre Miquelon3,45220.062,4491,001
Falkland Islands1,9300_1,489441
Sahrawi Arab DR1,907794.141,365463
St. Barth1,60360.371,52869
Summer Olympics 208650_8650
Vatican City290_290
Saint Helena110_110
British Indian Ocean Terrritory50_23
Pitcairn Islands40_31
Guantanamo Bay20_20
Sint Eustatius20_20

This data service relies on a proprietary progam module (PM) written in Practical Extraction & Report Language (PERL) coded by CSPaC volunteers progressively since Jan. 2020. If you see garble, we are likely updating. Refresh in 5 seconds or so.

Watchlist: Nations with over 15,000,000 cases ordered by sum of cases

Locales over 15,000,000CasesDeathsCFRRecovered
Global totals:804,045,97125,956,0413.38%740,246,288

Watchlist: Locales (of 255) with 15,000,000 cumulative cases + (History)

South Korea34,571,87335,9340.1%27,203,524

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Locales With few (1 to 25) Active Cases 2024-09-20
Happy Travels.

Antigua and Barbuda910614689546
British Indian Ocean Terrritory5023
Cook Islands73262730222
Luhansk PR3260134832910117
Pitcairn Islands4001
Sao Tome and Principe677880668513
South Ossetia142571531409014
Sri Lanka672754168976558525
Turks and Caicos67544067095

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Nations/Regions With No Active Cases 2024-09-20
Happy Travels.

Falkland Islands193001930
Guantanamo Bay202
S. Korea345718733593434535939
Saint Helena11011
Saint Kitts and Nevis6607486559
Saint Lucia3021541029805
Sint Eustatius202
Summer Olympics 208650865
Vatican City29029

The Global COVID-19 Summary

Sources | Summary | Index | Green List|YellowList | Ships | History | All | Kids |Canada |USA

Summary 2024-08-29 Time 17:47:29 GMT

Beta Technology Global Estimates

See The Lancet estimate of excess mortality from COVID-19 (Download PDF) in 191 countries/territories and 252 subnational units of select countries, from 1 January 2 0 2 0, to 31 December 2 0 2 1.

EPICENTER: USA (109,683,131)

The American Epicenter including ALL Territories has 0.55 % of global 'active' cases (786167 USA (incl territories) / 143021861 Global), people infected with COVID-19 now.

Below: CSPAD estimated 2024-09-20 12:33 GMT COVID-19 data for India.

EPICENTER-2: India (45,035,393)

*Reported by India but understated.

Note: India's reported death sum and cured data are widely seen among epidemiologists and biostatisticians as unreliable. For example, 3,094,653 is CSPAD estimated sum of deaths while India reports 533,570, creating the largest discepency in the world. India might only report hospital tested cases. Sources among hundreds of nurses and other medical practitioners provide a picture that in summary concludes most cases never present in a hospital especially in northern provinces where health care is less available and utilization is low anyway because of poverty, hence most people die at home in India. This theory could explain discrepancies between reported data and algorithmic estimates.

India reported:45,035,393533,57044,501,823
India estimates:249,045,7233,094,653245,951,070

Data collected and reported by: Civil Society Solidarity Partners against Disease

Here is why our global totals may seem higher than what other aggregators report

CSPaD is a civil society collaboration of humanitarians. There are no countries or regions (we call 'locales') CSPaD does not acknowledge as being part of our global community. For example, some NATO countries do not recognize some breakaway nations which allegedly are associated with rival nations. Of course humanitarians think and act inclusively for all our global communities. Some island regions or other autonomous locales choose to report their own data and are not therefore included in the data of their parent nation, kingdom or other. CSPaC reports their dutifully collected data. Here are some examples. CSPaD breaks out the data for far-shore territories of all countries. All humans are in this pandemic together and what happens to one person can happen to all. See also the COVID-19 Ship List.

Unique locales included in totals.CasesDeathsRecovered
American Samoa8,359340
British Indian Ocean Terrritory502
Donetsk PR171,51910,186161,295
French Guiana98,04142011,254
French Polynesia79,30165061,775
Luhansk PR32,6013,48329,101
New Caledonia80,0643140
Northern Cyprus103,034241100,293
Northern Mariana Islands14,594410
Puerto Rico 1,286,5286,0811,002,205
Sahrawi Arab DR1,907791,365
Saint Martin12,324630
Saint Pierre Miquelon3,45222,449
North Ossetia-Alania40,1861,92835,460
South Ossetia14,25715314,090
St. Barth1,60361,528
Summer Olympics 2 0 2 08650865
US Military740,942690733,533
US Virgin Islands25,38913225,114
Wallis and Futuna3,76093,438

Be Kind Always

Let's face it. We're all tired of this pandemic. For many of us it has been the most confusing, anxiety-provoking time of our lives. It sometimes leaves us short tempered and frustrated. Public health staff, however, should not be on the receiving end of your anger.

View list of sources for all data.

The Index

Index of Resources

  1. France COVID-19 Updates
  2. Philippines COVID-19 Updates
  3. U.S.A COVID-19 Updates
  4. Historic USA 26 September 2020 Donald Trump White House SuperSpreader event.
  5. The Children's Explainer
  6. The Green List: Regions with no active cases of COVID-19. Happy travels.
  7. The Yellow List: Regions with less than 25 active cases of COVID-19. Happy travels.
  8. The WatchList: Nations with cummulative case counts over 15000000.
  9. The Ship List: These numbers are growing old because they are seldom reported and in fact even kept secret (Naval Vessels). The full set of 71 are aquired from official sources or medical examiners.
  10. Visit: Data History: Graphs, history, archives of past full reports.
  11. See All Nations: In one single place is a searchable list of all 255 nations and territories reported in all data sets.
  12. Go to The main report
  13. Since January 2020, FPMag said "Wear a Mask". What happened to those who didn't.

Index of important notes.

  1. France is reported here separate from all overseas regions. Each of France's overseas regions are reported independently. Go to the notes and graphs here.
  2. Nigerian Serology Tests Reveal 4 Million People in Lagos have had the virus but only 267188 have been reported for the whole country as of Wed Mar 26 00:00:07 2025.
  3. Donetsk Peoples Republic See the notes.
  4. Belgium is carefully counting likely COVID-19 deaths among excess deaths.
  5. Puerto Rico Case numbers included serum positive (suspected cases) tests until 23 July 2021. They are now dropped. Also, Puerto Rico has stopped reporting Case Recoveries hence those are estimated to avoid skewing USA active case determinations. Details.
  6. With no government reach into its provinces, Philippines data is widely regarded as unreliable. We compare three biostatistician teams' data.
  7. Unreported 'recoveries' in Burundi, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Britain, most provinces of Canada, Ecuador, FaeroeIslands, Falklands, Finland, France, French Polynesia, Hong Kong, Iceland, Mongolia, Laos, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Ukraine, South Korea, Tunisia, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Spain and Sweden, we estimate. Full details (Current Global Recovery Average (CGRA) = 77.9 % approx.)
  8. *USA case numbers are obtained from multiple sources.
  9. Diamond Princess Notes.
  10. Grand Princess Read the notes. (Some Cases are included in Country Totals.
  11. China: Notes on outbreak epicenter and decreasing active cases.
  12. Iran: Read about non-government sources (NGO) in Iran.
  13. Tanzania: stopped reporting in April 2020.. CSPaC Data is derived from scant news reports from Tanzania.
  14. British Overseas Territory of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha. Notes
  15. "Breakaway nations" like Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Donetsk People's Republic and Luhansk People's Republic are included in CSPaC report as free-standing states with their own Health Care systems. Their reports are generally consistent, most are frequent and all are compete."

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Notice and Waiver of Liability

The RINJ Foundation herein described as "Publisher" hereby disclaims any and all representations and warranties with respect to the data in this public service document, including accuracy of information supplied to the Publisher, fitness for use, and merchantability. Reliance on cspad.org for medical guidance or use of the Website in commerce is strictly prohibited. Copyright © The RINJ Foundation 2025-03-26 / 04:00:07Z

Search all locales.

Visit COVID-19 History for Charts, Graphs Archived Data & notes

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CSPaC COVID-19 Updates - CoronaVirus Live Updates  2025-03-26 / 04:00:07Z

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Sources for this statistical data.

The following sources are available to readers. Additionaly FPMag and The Nurses Without Borders make direct contact and interview colleagues and sources close to the information around the world to track events and statistics. Information about China comes from the official website of the National Health and Health Commission and from direct contact with health and other officials, patients, doctors and nurses.

Global Population

Global Sources

Canada Sources

Ontario, Canada Regional Public Health Sources

Brant County
Durham Region
Eastern Ontario
Grey Bruce
Haliburton-Kawartha lakes-Pine Ridge
Halton Region
Hastings-Prince Edward
Huron Perth
Kingston Frontenac-Lennox & Addington
Leeds Grenville & Lanark
Niagara Region
North Bay-Nipissing-Parry Sound
Northwestern Ontario
Peel Region
Renfrew Region County
Southwestern Ontario
Sudbury & District
Thunder Bay
Windsor Essex County
York Region

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Feminine Perspective Magazine is published by The RINJ Foundation, a Canadian Incorporated Civil Society (CSO) Non-Government Organization (NGO) in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the UN since 2017.


255 Locales reported 804,045,971 COVID-19 cases of which 635,068,069 have been sent home from hospital with a clean bill of health and sadly there were 25,956,041 deaths among all territories, of which 1212123 were reported by America, the disease epicenter.

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Global total Death Estimates = 70,054,056

The calculated CFR has only marginal comparative value because in many countries, excess deaths far exceed reported case fatalities which would be a better indicator of the disease impact. IFR will not likely be known until long after the pandemic has ended. In the meantime, we mark as estimate what our computations indicate the implied IFR may be.

We use an algorithm that is applied on the fly by a computer program and the algorithm is based on data from China and South Korea. The very specific mass testings in China and South Korea yield extraordinary data. So also do surveys conducted by nurses in the provinces of the Philippines.

The effort was made to determine why so many unreported deaths among the elderly were noted as unknown or pneumonia, far above normal daily death levels.

We suspected cytokines storm or some form of sudden inflammatory overreaction in the lungs to the SARS-CoV-2 which tampers with human cell DNA. Patients trying to recover at home have been suddenly hit by rapid onset of fluid in the lungs, and sudden death. Cytokines storm is suspected.
See: COVID19 is not elderly death sentence. Exercise. Can pharmaceuticals limit COVID-19 cytokines storm?

The test treat and trace program in Asia yields a lot of data and exposes to researchers a large number of persons who are asymptomatic yet infected. This has a large impact on the spread of disease but also may indicate what if anything can be expected from natural immunity.

The existing algorithm is adjusted by some new information from Africa in such a way that countries with poor healthcare systems which have a higher number of non reported cases are applied differently.

After continually running the death calculation algorithm since the early outbreak we recently decided to publish the real deaths data and it seems safe to say the estimated total number of COVID-19 deaths around the world is 70,054,056.

Global total of reported + mild & unreported asymptomatic cases: 4,446,374,219

Of significance there are several models done by universities around the world which argued the pandemic will yield about 600 million cases including the asymptomatic and mild cases. That number is now 4,446,374,219 with an IFR of 1.58 %

We have continually compared our output from this algorithm to those models and the accuracy has been confirmed. This also confirms the suspicion that the death rate is nowhere near as high as the raw reported numbers indicate.

After continually running the algorithm since the early outbreak we recently decided to publish the data and it seems safe to say the estimated total number of cases around the world is 4,446,374,219.

Continental France data & overseas regional data are isolated in this report.

Visit France Active Cases Page

Official data from France includes some of its overseas regions but not all. CSPaD data in all reports looks at France as the European continental nation alone and reports all France overseas regions as individual locales.

France and its overseas regions are reported individually.

Officially France reports include the overseas regions of (current cases counts follow each locale) French Guiana(98041), Guadeloupe(203235), Martinique(230354), Mayotte(42027) and Réunion(494595), plus Saint Barthelémy(1603) and Saint Martin(12324) but those are reported individually here.

To facilitate more granular analysis of COVID-19 spread and SARS2 virus activity, in each locale, in a regional context, those overseas France regional data are removed in this report by CSPaD.

New Caledonia(80064), French Polynesia(79301), Saint Pierre and Miquelon(3452) and Wallis and Futuna(3760) are not included in France's offical reports nor are they included in the European continental France data listing in the CSPAC watchlist, the CSPaC ranking of local active cases and here at the CSPaD main report.

Total confirmed cases for continental France as well as its total COVID-19 death data include information from both hospital and nursing homes. Evaluating each of these locales on their own alleviates some incorrect perceptions of these data.

France alone39,056,381163,92133,187,4075,705,053
French Guiana98,04142011,25486,367
St. Barth1,60361,52869
Saint Martin12,32463012,261
New Caledonia80,064314079,750
French Polynesia79,30165061,77516,876
Saint Pierre Miquelon3,45222,4491,001
Wallis and Futuna3,76093,438313
France plus all regions40,305,137168,61733,267,8516,868,669


The number of deaths for Belgium also includes untested cases and cases in retirement homes that presumably died because of COVID-19, whilst most countries only include deaths of tested cases in hospitals.


The Kingdom of the Netherlands consists of a) the *Netherlands [the country as opposed to the kingdom], which in turn includes the Caribbean Netherlands, that are made up of the special municipalities
(i) *Bonaire,
(ii) *Saba and
(iii) *Sint Eustatius;

b) *Aruba;
c) *Curaçao; and
d) *Sint Maarten.
All regions marked with an asterisk are listed separately.


Information for Tanzania is old as the country stopped publishing data on coronavirus cases on 29 April 2020. Data as of 29 April date were 509 cases, 21 deaths, and 183 recoveries. Since then, reportage has been renewed but is sporadic.

The USA Centers for Disease Control recommends travelers avoid all nonessential international travel to Tanzania. Travelers at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19 should consider postponing all travel, including essential travel, to Tanzania. COVID-19 risk in Tanzania is high. If you get sick in Tanzania and need medical care, resources may be limited.

China Detailed Daily Report.

Current information at GMT: 2025-03-26 04:00
  1. All time total cases from 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities): 99354727
  2. Deaths: 188760
  3. Recovered: 98290850
  4. Current active cases: 875,117

China Defined

4 Municipalities: Beijing, Chongqing, Shanghai, and Tianjin.

23 Provinces: Anhui, Fujian, Gansu,Guangdong, Guizhou, Hainan, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Jilin, Liaoning, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang, and Taiwan.

5 Autonomous Regions: Guangxi, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Tibet, and Xinjiang.

3 Special Administrative Regions: Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan

Statistical tracking for China

"The Chinese are focussed on identifying only severe cases," says Professor Neil Fergusson of the Imperial College of London. The government of China confirms that there are hundreds of thousands of other possible mild cases.

"War with China that America and its allies are pushing for is not the answer to America's failed COVID-19 response," says a frustrated doctor in Shenzhen, a beautiful city on the east bank of Pearl River estuary in southern Guangdong province, People's Republic of China.

Some reports dealing with this topic:

China's Health Services Reports and CTTIO can be read in archived reports.

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View list of sources for all data.

The Ships at sea.

This is something FPMag's researchers and editorial department struggle with. At the outset of the pandemic there were over 100,000 crew members aboard sea-going cruise lines according to insurance companies and cruise line company officials. These persons were, in effect but not officially, exiled by their nations, their health status unknown but suspect. The status data of sailors is reported here as part of the nationality of the patient. Reported here those cases not listed anywhere else but aboard and attached to a ship as an independent non-nation entity, a 'conveyance'. See:The Ships at sea report.

The Grand Princess Backgrounder

The Grand Princess cases will have been added to the totals by each country, primarily the United States. The ship, which was on a two-week voyage to Hawaii, was ordered to return early to San Francisco, California. Governor Gavin Newsom said on 4 March 2020, adding that passengers and crew have developed symptoms.

A spokesman for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that 3 passengers who were previously on the ship have since tested positive, including one who has died. Out of 46 tests done on 6 March 2020, 21 persons are positive, mostly crew members. SARS-CoV-2 virus test sets were flown by a USA National Guard helicopter to the ship off the California Coast. (Watch the video.)

The Diamond Princess

COVID-19-Stricken cruise ship docked at Daikoku Pier in the Japanese port of Yokohama

GMT: 01-03-2020 Time: 11:35 (AM)

On 2 February 2020, 3,711 passengers and crew were quarantined by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare after a passenger on the ship tested positive for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This was the largest coronavirus outbreak on a cruise ship. As of 27 February 2020, 705 passengers tested positive for COVID-19. The vessel has become a political controversy and arguably a lesson in what not to do in controling the spread of novel coronavirus

FPMag has learned that on 1 March all crew members from Diamond Princess have now disembarked, according to Japan's health minister. The crew began leaving the Diamond Princess on Thursday for quarantine ashore after the last of the passengers had departed. "Including the captain, all crew members disembarked," health minister Katsunobu Kato told reporters late Sunday 1 March 2020.

Some 130 persons including the captain and 98 Japan health ministry officials who were working aboard Diamond Princess tested negative for the virus as they left the vessel, the Minister said at a news briefing late Sunday. They will spend 14 days at government-designated dormitories before being allowed to leave Japan, while the vessel will be disinfected before sailing again. The ill passengers of many countries are in health care facilities or similar quarantine.

The Philippines

Here are the reported and estimated Philippines data.

Philippines reported:4,140,38366,8646,138
Philippines estimates:22,896,318152,12233,943

Read:Human right to claim your free vaccination in the Philippines

Philippines COVID-19 Incipient Danger Zone

Also: Philippines 50M COVID-dead is case for Vaccination

See The Lancet estimate of excess mortality from COVID-19 (Download PDF) in 191 countries/territories and 252 subnational units of select countries, from 1 January 2 0 2 0, to 31 December 2 0 2 1.

Data collected and reported by: Civil Society Solidarity Partners against Disease


Data for Canada is here: GMT: 2025-03-26 04:00. Visit Canada SARS2 Statistics Page for graphs & articles

Population: 41,572,044 adjusted for estimated real COVID-19 deaths

CanadaCases DeathsCuredActive
Reported:4,964,63060,362 1.2% CFR4,878,11226,156
Estimate:27,454,40478,470 *0.29% IFR26,975,959144,643

*Inferred IFR is an estimate only. The actual COVID-19 IFR may not be accurately calculated for the entire human race until long after the pandemic has ended.

Below: Extensive Estimates using data from multiple sources.

Beta experimental estimates for Canada. Reported + unreported mild + asymptomatic COVID-19 infections.

The total actual number of infections in Canada including all the untested, unreported, asymptomatic infections is likely greater than 27,454,404 (66.04% of the population) including mild and asymptomatic cases. That would mean the estimated inferred average Infection Fatality Rate: (IFR) is likely around 0.29%

Canadian COVID-19 deaths to 2024-09-20 are estimated to be 79,618 Using estimated IFR of 0.29%. Global average 1.58% Global estimated inferred average Infection Fatality Rate (IFR

79,618 (0.29% IFR) is the CSPaC estimated number of Canadian COVID-19 deaths (based on the inferred IFR) including those deaths unreported as COVID-19). The IHME estimates excess deaths in Canada to reach much higher than CSPaC estimates.

See The Lancet estimate of excess mortality from COVID-19 (Download PDF) in 191 countries/territories and 252 subnational units of select countries, from 1 January 2 0 2 0, to 31 December 2 0 2 1.

78470 Is the CSPaC estimated number of Canadian COVID-19 deaths based on a modified universal algorithm which factors more sophisticated public health infrastructure and also fewer available urgent care beds and facilities which is a problem in much of Canada in an emergency measures context.

The closeness of the two numbers derived from unique data and methods suggests their high probability. The blended data of three projections from three different biostatistician labs also confirms the estimates +/- .01%.

It is safe to say that Canadians have endured the grief of losing 78470 family members. Every number has a face. May their memory be forever a blessing to their families and friends.

Canada's advanced public health standards.

Canada and the USA have Infection Fatality Rates close to global averages but since vaccine booster-rates have dropped, CFR in both countrioes is climbing slightly above global averages. (influenza has an IFR of .1% or 6 per 100k (2019)).

Ontario, Canada Reports no longer updated. See Archives to 5 March 2023

Pandemic Epicenter: United States of America (USA Page)

(From Multiple Sources)

GMT: 2025-03-26 04:00

All USASum of CasesDeathsRecoveredActive
Continental USA109,683,1311,212,123107,745,468725,540

See The Lancet estimate of excess mortality from COVID-19 (Download PDF) in 191 countries/territories and 252 subnational units of select countries, from 1 January 2 0 2 0, to 31 December 2 0 2 1.

See also IHME Estimates for America.

In the USA Military there are reported (including civilians and contractors) 740,942 cumulative COVID-19 cases; sadly, 690 have died (CFR = 0.1%) from the SARS2 virus; 733,533 have recovered; and 6,587 are currently hospitalized.

U.S.A. (pop. 335,486,244)

Rest of the world excluding USA.

Note: Total statistics for the United States do not include these offshore territories. The US Military is included as if it is an offshore territory, not reported as continental USA data but as USA overall totals and included in world totals. FPMag evaluates these separately for many reasons.

Continental US109,683,1311,212,123 | 1.11%107,745,468
+US Military740,942690 | 0.1%733,533
+Guam61,139420 | 0.7%60,681
+Puerto Rico 1,286,5286,081 | 0.47%1,002,205
+US Virgin Islands25,389132 | 0.5%25,114
+Northern Mariana Islands14,59441 | 0.3%0
+American Samoa8,35934 | 0.4%0

The American Epicenter including ALL Territories has 0.55 % of global 'active' cases (786,167 USA (incl territories) / 143,021,861 Global), people infected with COVID-19 now.

Abundant proof that vaccines are working, an observation derived from unrelated data analysis.

As the epicenter we look at continental USA together with US territories and without. The significant decline in Case Fatality Rate (CFR) in the continental United States particularly, during 2 0 2 1, since vaccines became available, is believed to be due to vaccination rates and is abundant proof that the vaccines are working.

In order to avoid letting countries that refuse to report the sum of case recoveries, thus skewing global calculations, Burundi, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Britain, most provinces of Canada, Ecuador, FaeroeIslands, Falklands, Finland, France, French Polynesia, Hong Kong, Iceland, Mongolia, Laos, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Ukraine, South Korea, Tunisia, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Spain and Sweden 'recoveries' are estimated based on the current reported global recoveries as a percentage of all cases. (([reported recoveries]) divide (804,045,971 [Global Reported Sum of All Cases] less 39,056,381 [France Sum of Cases] less 1,076,087 [Ecuador Sum of Cases] less 13,980,340 [Spain Sum of Cases] less 8,635,896 [Netherlands Sum of Cases] less 2,754,129 [Sweden Sum of Cases] less 4,572,667 [Peru Sum of Cases])) = 77.9% a coefficient which is then adjusted according to the number of cases in the past 30 days and the new coefficient is applied to the sum of each of these nation's cumulative cases to estimate the missing recoveries data. In the case of France some additional hospital-sourced recovery data is factored.

All USASum of CasesDeathsRecoveredActive
Continental USA109,683,1311,212,123107,745,468725,540

See The Lancet estimate of excess mortality from COVID-19 (Download PDF) in 191 countries/territories and 252 subnational units of select countries, from 1 January 2 0 2 0, to 31 December 2 0 2 1.

See also IHME Estimates for America.

American Mass-Testing Failure

Background reading:

Y2020 Leadership in the United States for the COVID-19 Pandemic Response has been reported as a form of criminal negligence, and worse.

America got off to a bad start under the 45th US President, Donald Trump, and in 2020, never recovered from this catastrophe.

United States testing is claimed to be improved under the 46th US President, Joe Biden.

The United States has been enduring some leadership problems nonetheless of which include the former US President suggesting that Americans ingest disinfectants and expose their bodies to massive ultraviolet light devices.

Trump attack on World Health Organization is part of American malignancy. America dies under Trump leadership.

12 March 2020 New York City: FPMag has learned from an American source that US President Donald Trump in the months of January, February and March 2020 was aware that the SARS-CoV-2 virus would hit the USA very hard. Because of Trump's belief that high infectious-disease case-numbers would harm his bid for reelection, he quashed all efforts to increase USA real-time reverse transcription polymerise chain reaction RT-PCR tests for COVID-19.

Trump also rejected a WHO shipment of test sets. Experts believe that as a consequence there may be hundreds of thousands of untested infections and that many Americans will die as a result of this failure to follow the internationally-proven formula of "Mass Testing and Isolation of Positives or Test-Treat-Trace".

Donald Trump told a press briefing earlier in March, about the floating incubation death-trap chamber for stranded 'Grand Princess' passengers, "I'd rather have the people stay [aboard]". He knows this tactic killed passengers of the 'Diamond Princess'.

US State department Flew 14 known infected patients in same plane with hundreds of Americans Despite CDC Protest

*The US State department flew non-infected passengers from the Diamond Princess often commingled with fourteen COVID-19 patients who were behind a plastic sheet divider in a recycled-air cabin of a cargo B-747 once airborne.

The outcome has been at least 43 COVID-19 confirmed infected passengers, FPMag has learned from reliable sources inside the CDC and within other US medical institutions. All records of the initial 14 COVID-19-Positive Patients co-mingled and infecting 43 healthy passengers have vanished. FPMag continues to report those cases having been told by witnesses who advocated the CDC position present at the material time that a crime of at least reckless endangerment was being committed by the US State Department Officials and would wait until the pandemic ended.

American Reporting COVID-19 Case Numbers

CDC as of 4 March 2020 said that, "States are now testing and publicly reporting their cases. In the event of a discrepancy, state case counts are the most up to date."

The CDC has warned that its information "does not include people who returned to the U.S. via State Department-chartered flights."

FPMag will use independent sources from the US State Health Departments and from NGOs, from private and public hospitals, morgues, mortuaries and other sources. Readers are invited to provide input

Read: Centers for Disease Control sidelined by Trump Administration. Americans...
Also USA political breach of infection control has bad outcome for ordinary Americans

Go to the top of the report.

View list of sources for all data.

Iran (7627186 Cases 146811 deaths)

GMT: 2025-03-26 04:00 -

Read if you wish this backgrounder: Iran to rejoin JCPOA? Putin and Merkel working now.

Please read: "The world has a responsibility to help Iranians"

An Iranian dies every ten minutes and 50 new infections occur every 60 minutes according to an official information release from the Iran Health Department, 18 March, 2020.

On 16 March 2020, the researchers who prepare this data estimated the actual COVID-19 case counts and fatalities in Iran. Researchers are fairly certain of their estimates. 61,938 severe COVID-19 cases in Iran and over 2524 deaths is what researchers estimate for Iran's COVID-19 outbreak up to 16 March 2020. The publisher continues to share the official accounting from Tehran with gratitude for the diligence of the workers preparing the reports. Be well, friends.

State radio announced that Mohammad Mirmohammadi, 71, a member of Iran's Expediency Council, has died after contracting the coronavirus. Other prominent members infected in the country include Vice President Masoumeh Ebtekar and Iraj Harirchi, head of the country's task force on COVID-19.

The Nurses Without Borders have been asking nurses and RINJ Foundation volunteers in Iran to check statistics from morgues, mortuaries, faith-based community groups, hospitals and clinics. The numbers in the statistical chart are consistent with the algorithm ratios around the world and particularly with weaker health care systems.

According to a senior nurse practitioner with The RINJ Foundation, Michele Francis, "Iran is going to need the help of the global community because political sanctions have restricted the advancement of its health care system and the inventory of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies."

The highly reliable Channel News Network (CNA) out of Singapore reports journalists taking statements off the street wherein one witness, a pharmacy employee who has been selling huge numbers of masks daily until stocks ran out said, "The mullahs are saying Muslims are immune because of their faith," he said. "How will they quarantine a huge city like Tehran when they cannot even quarantine a hospital?" he queried after commenting that hospitals were overrun and that officials themselves were infected.

Patients in Iran have not generally been tested during January and early February (2020) for COVID-19 because directives then said testing is contraindicated if the patient has not visited China or been in contact with a person who has been in China.

Several high profile medical administrative authorities are reportedly infected with the COVID-19 and that includes the deputy minister of health.

Also Mojtaba Zonnour, head of Iranian parliament's National Security and Foreign Relations Commission says he is infected with COVID-19.

Dr. Mohamad Reza Ghadir, the head of a medical university in Qom and the top official in charge of managing the outbreak there, was among those placed in quarantine, reports the NewYorkTimes

Dr. Ghadir said on Iran's state television network that the health ministry had ordered city officials not to publish any statistics related to the outbreak in Qom. The situation there was very dire and disease has spread across the city of 1.2 million, he said.

Nurses and doctors claim that sustained transmission from person to person with no connection to China has caused outbreaks in several parts of Iran.

Also, the number of Iranians seeking entry to other Middle East nations have a quantum of positive tests and hence visa-denials greater than what the Iranian government claims is the total confirmed number of cases in Iran. The statistics FPMag and partners provide herein are reports based on cause of death reports and witness observations from many hospitals in Iran.

In Qom, the seventh largest city in Iran, in mid-February 2020, Member of Parliament, Ahmad Amiriabadi Farahani confirmed that at that time at least 50 deaths had occurred in his riding alone. Using the data supplied by nurses and by the Member for Qom, both of which FPMag has confirmed via other sources to be credible, FPMag has decided not to use the Iranian official numbers but to publish what the publication and its partners have been told by reliable sources. "Hopefully the Iranian Ministry of Health will catch up with nation wide reports soon," has been a general, restrained critique. The Iranian health department has said that it will now begin a transparency effort. It seems to be reporting what it knows.

View list of sources for all data.

Puerto Rico

Previously, data included Confirmed Cases (RT-PCR), Probable Cases (Antigens) and Suspected cases (Antibodies). Beginning 23 July 2021, antigen and antibody evaluation cases are no longer reported by Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico has also stopped reporting recoveries hence those numbers are estimated. See Details.

For Burundi, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Britain, most provinces of Canada, Ecuador, FaeroeIslands, Falklands, Finland, France, French Polynesia, Hong Kong, Iceland, Mongolia, Laos, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Ukraine, South Korea, Tunisia, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Spain and Sweden, COVID-19 Recoveries are not provided hence they are estimated by CSPaD using global values and hospital data

14 February 2021 through 23 July 2021

Burundi, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Britain, most provinces of Canada, Ecuador, FaeroeIslands, Falklands, Finland, France, French Polynesia, Hong Kong, Iceland, Mongolia, Laos, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Ukraine, South Korea, Tunisia, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Spain and Sweden, have not been reporting case recoveries which skews calculations of global data because most of their numbers are higher than 15000000 on our Watchlist. This estimating formula creates a better global data report than what readers might see in other biostatistical reports where the data is simply omitted. Exluding the data creates a false outcome in most calculations of active cases and ratios. These countries have massive case sums and recovery numbers, several of which are in the millions. It is unlikely that the actual numbers are much different from our estimates. Most countries do what we have done here, use a computer generated estimate based on an algorithm that is updated when actual data becomes available. That would likely occur when infection rates have dropped to early pandemic levels. It would be much better if these countries reported all the data as per WHO Guidelines.

Method: In order to avoid letting countries that refuse to report the sum of their case recoveries, thus skewing global calculations, Burundi, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Britain, most provinces of Canada, Ecuador, FaeroeIslands, Falklands, Finland, France, French Polynesia, Hong Kong, Iceland, Mongolia, Laos, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Ukraine, South Korea, Tunisia, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Spain and Sweden (which have not been reporting 'recoveries' and cause large errors in calculations at a global level) are estimated based on an algebraic expression of current reported global recoveries as a percentage of all cases (exluding those not reporting recoveries).


(([Global sum of reported recoveries]) divide (804045971 [Global Reported Sum of All Cases] less 1076087 [Ecuador Sum of Cases] less 39056381 [France Sum of Cases] less 13980340 [Spain Sum of Cases] less 8635896 [Netherlands Sum of Cases] less 2754129 [Sweden Sum of Cases] less 1286528 [Puerto Rico Sum of Cases] less 4572667 [Peru Sum of Cases])) = 77.9%, a coefficient which is then adjusted for each locale according to the number of cases in the past 30 days and the new coefficient is applied to the sum of each of these nation's cumulative cases to estimate the missing recoveries data. In the case of France, additional hospital-sourced recovery data is factored.

All data presented relies on countries and territories conducting tests at a global constant which is not likely to happen hence we try to make calculations on the most reliable indicators.

As of Wed Mar 26 00:00:07 2025, this pandemic is not going away. Many nations have been accused of not accurately reporting case numbers. Biostatisticians who do this work daily, spot trends that would likely indicate computer generated patterns or human alteration anomolies and have a good idea on which governments report accurately. Nobody can say this is an easy task but human solidarity, integrity and transparency should be a reasonable expectation.

Nigerian Serology Tests Reveal 4 Million People in Lagos have had the virus reports SB Morgan Consulting Firm

A COVID-19 antibodies survey in Nigeria suggests that four million people in Lagos state alone have had the virus---more than has been officially recorded for the whole continent of Africa. The study was done on 10,000 people from four states, Enugu, Gombe, Lagos and Nasarawa, to estimate the extent of coronavirus in Africa's most populous nation. It was conducted before a second wave began in early December. The findings of the seroprevalence survey, carried out in September and October by Nigeria's Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) and the Institute for Medical Research (IMR), are staggering. Rates of infection were initially thought to be low during the first wave of the pandemic. "80 to 90% of the population in these four states are still susceptible to the virus which makes the vaccination efforts we are about to start in Nigeria even more important," said Dr Chikwe Ihekweazu, Director-General of the NCDC. Nigeria recorded its highest daily infection rate in January 2021, when it logged 1,600 new cases, suggesting many more people were infected in the second wave. The official figure for Nigeria as of Wed Mar 26 00:00:07 2025 is 267188 cases with 3155 deaths.

Donetsk PR, Luhansk PR and (Crimea Included in Russian Federation data)

Russian Fed.24,124,215402,75623,545,818
Donetsk PR171,51910,186161,295
Luhansk PR32,6013,48329,101
North Ossetia-Alania40,1861,92835,460
South Ossetia14,25715314,090

In addition to some 70 other nations which are publicly set out as users of the Sputnik V vaccine through various channels including donations, Abkhazia, Donetsk, Luhansk, South Ossetia, and Transnistria according to both official and unofficial sources to CSPaD are receiving as donations from Russia, and using, the Sputnik V vaccine made by the Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology. North Ossetia-Alania, a former autonamous region of the Russian Federation, is tracked because of its relationship and population intermingling with South Ossetia and Georgia. Ukraine has been added because of the May 2 0 1 4 ongoing war and the 24 February 2 0 2 2 Russian Federation military intervention on behalf of the Luhansk PR and Donetsk PR republics.

Data for the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol are included in the data of the Russian Federation. The Donetsk People's Republic and Luhansk People's Republic, report their own data in a daily and precise manner.

Message from Luhansk

The LPR Ministry of Health in Luhansk reminds of the importance of adhering to preventive measures, as well as sanitary and hygienic recommendations: maintain social distance, ventilate the premises, wash your hands more often, avoid crowded places and wear a mask in public places. The hotline of the Ministry of Health also continues its work - (0642) 92-05-10

South Ossetia Cases:14257, Deaths:153, Recovered:14090 on Wed Mar 26 00:00:07 2025

10 November 2021 Update---In total, during the pandemic in South Ossetia, 153 people died from the coronavirus, of which 106 died in the RMMC, 47 - outside the republic.

"Just over 70% are people aged 65 and above, 23% are people aged 50 to 64, six percent are between 30 and 49. Mortality per 100 thousand population is 258.4, mortality - 1.65. Mortality indicates the severity of the course of the disease, and mortality is the number of deaths from the total population," the head of Yugosetpotrebnadzor Marina Kochieva said in an interview with Sputnik.

Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, North Ossetia-Alania

Transnistria, officially the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR), is a breakaway state in the narrow strip of land between the river Dniester and the Ukrainian border that is internationally recognized as part of Moldova. Its capital is Tiraspol. COVID-19 Data.

Weak health systems and outdated infrastructure left over from the Soviet Union have made the breakaway regions of Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, North Ossetia-Alania, Nagorno-Karabakh and the self-proclaimed republics in Donbas particularly vulnerable. Read if you wish (PDF): Transnistria's public health system and SARS-CoV-2. The challenges of an unrecognized state facing a global pandemic

British Overseas Territory of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha.

Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha are listed as "Saint Helena"

The remote islands of St Helena, Ascension Island and Tristan da Cunha lie in the South Atlantic Ocean, midway between Africa and South America. Though far from each other, they form a single territorial grouping under the sovereignty of the British Crown.

On 5 May 2021, the Government of Saint Helena announced that 3,528 residents had received both doses of the vaccine; this represents 95.1% of Saint Helena's adult population

By March 25, 798 of Ascension's 806 people (99%) had received at least one dose of the Astrazenica vaccine.

On Tristan da Cunha there have been no reported cases of the coronavirus. On 21 April 2021, HMS Forth delivered enough Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine for the whole island to be completely vaccinated.

31 January 2021

Western Sahara (Western Sahara,10,1,8) now dropped from the Civil Society Partners reports as it will be reported as part of Morocco

This does not apply to the de facto state of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (Sahrawi Arab DR) which is not included in Morroco's reports and will be reported on a separate line here.

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World News Headlines

Headline: Crime ring doxes Elon Musk who exposed their govt rip-off

By Micheal John OBrien, Tue, 25 Mar 2025 09:43:29 GMT

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Elon Musk has destroyed a long-standing fraudulent operation that has bilked the U.S. government and thus taxpayers for likely millions over decades. In Canada and in the USA, in a campaign promoted by CNN, Mr. Musk is being attacked by … Continue reading →

Headline: Canada heads to the polls in national election, 28 April

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By Micheal John OBrien, Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:30:59 GMT

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One thing that is clear about the ‘Situation in Yemen' is that America is guilty of the crime of aggression and the crime against humanity of murder in Yemen and in Gaza. The RINJ Foundation women are deeply embedded in … Continue reading →

Headline: Hello Canada. Show that you are a Canadian

By Sharon Santiago, Fri, 21 Mar 2025 22:38:31 GMT

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Headline: Gaza Ceasefire collapse: more murder, starvation crime

By Micheal John OBrien, Wed, 19 Mar 2025 23:32:28 GMT

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Headline: Gaza Ceasefire trashed. USA and Israel continue slaughter. Who will stand up to these criminals?

By Micheal John OBrien, Tue, 18 Mar 2025 21:08:06 GMT

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The killing of enormous numbers of women and children is the American and Israeli recipe for the Gaza Genocide, which is back on in full bloody slaughter this week. Marco Rubio and Donald Trump want to blame Hamas for their … Continue reading →

Headline: Gaza: The smell of burnt flesh is still in my nose says MD

By Micheal John OBrien, Tue, 18 Mar 2025 19:42:15 GMT

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Thanks to the people who brought the Proud Boys into the Capitol chambers to hang then Vice President Mike Pence, the Genocide in Gaza is a bloody mess again. Trump is proud of the extermination of Palestinian women and kids, … Continue reading →

Headline: ICC vs Duterte, and a world fed up with leaders who kill citizens

By Micheal John OBrien, Sat, 15 Mar 2025 22:31:53 GMT

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“We empathize with sisters' and brothers' pain recall of gut-wrenching losses impacting literally millions of Filipinos as the ICC begins the Duterte-murders prosecution. Missing from our day-to-day lives are innocent babies, our children, friends, cousins, daddies and mommies slaughtered mercilessly … Continue reading →

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Who are the "RINJ Women"

We are the (Rape Is No Joke) RINJ Women who fought in the 2000s to get the money-making pro-rape and child sex slavery content off social media platforms, ending on 4 November 2011. Some of us women collectively decided to continue our work for the universal rights of women and girls with a humanitarian eye for families in need of loving care. We incorporated on 21 August 2012 after years of fighting as a grass roots organization called The RINJ Campaign. We move forward striving for more prosperous and healthy communities leveraging our own professional skills and a push for gender equality universally for the achievment of global values in human development. Fighting a pandemic is just a part of the goal of healthy and happy families.

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Feminine-Perspective Magazine Publishes content for Civil Society Partners in Solidarity against COVID-19 (CSPAC)